Diet Counseling

Diet Counseling

Diet Counseling in Gilroy, Redwood City, & San Jose, CA

Dr. Syverain’s mission is to serve and educate the public on the importance of balancing health and one’s emotional well-being. Each patient receives a specific  treatment based on her needs so please make sure each visit to see the provider if you have questions or are not satisfied with your progress.

Why is it so hard to keep weight off?

A lot of people try multiple fad and ‘in-style’ diets without success. Repeated failures could be a sign of subconscious self-sabotage. With the help of Dr. Syverain and the team, you can find out why the diets are not working and look to see if there is self-sabotage. This information can help prevent the same problem from recurring while being a client of Dr. Syverain.

Pricing $175 to $249 for the first month. Pricing Includes: EKG, UA, Physical Exam.

Emotional Eating Prevents Successful Results!

Anguish, depression, and grief all can lead to overeating. We experience emotional eating when we use food as a source of comfort and happiness.
At the Weight Loss & Skin Clinic, Dr. Syverain works with you to break the cycle of emotional eating. With this diet counseling, Dr. Syverain can help reset the way you identify with food, allowing you to commit to your diet plan and reach your full potential. Call & visit us at any one of our three locations, either in San Jose, CA 408-294-9234 or Redwood City, CA 650-368-3048 or Gilroy, CA 408-842-4408 or Contact Us Today for a free

What are you waiting for? Get started today!

Book today for a free consultation.